Friday, January 25, 2008


Uncle Ed gave us some Bruins tix for Christmas. We took the train in. Jimmy is usually a pretty healthy eater and turns down junk food. Not at the game though. Starting with Doritos, hot dogs, nachos, chocolate chip cookies........His system was not used to know what happened at 3 am. Of course. was in the bedroom during the night, I should have known better.
But regarding the game. We had a blast. Jimmy was at a skiing lesson until 5, we made it to the train on time. He was so funny talking to everyone on the train about the Bruins. Last year we went to a game where the Bruins came back from 3-0 and ended up winnning the game in overtime. It was an awesome game. It seems like he told that story to at least ten people during the night. He was awesome tonight.
The seats were great, center ice, first row. Of course they won the game. We got the Bruins Claws for Laura and Catherine. We have a secret handshake, like the one that Manny and the other Red Sox use. boom boom boom weeeeee....its pretty cool.
Spring Training is starting soon.

Bruins hockey game against the Islanders.

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