Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Night Date

Jimmy, Laura and Lyn are away skiing for the weekend so I decided to go out on a date to Friendly's Saturday night. She has a pin on her jacket from Grammy Franny that she loves showing around. By the time we left there her sweater was decorated with Chocolate ice cream.

I talked to Jim Jim earlier from Vermont. He has gone swimming and sledding today, playing air hockey with Nana and Jake. Laura has just done the sledding and a short ski lesson.

Catherine is pretty good considering she's all alone in her room. Usually if Laura isnt there she gets weepy missing her. Jack was a little sick last night. He threw up some and tonight was just a little bit cranky. Catherine is still pretty good about going to sleep as long as she gets hugs and kisses and secrets. She tells me "a billion dollars" without telling me the I love you's, but I like it just the same.

I have two days gone out of a three day course this weekend. Its all day and is long long long. Cant wait till this whole bar exam thing is over so I can be healthy and normal, whatever that is. This Spring Jimmy, of course, has baseball but Laura also starts T-Ball and we are trying soccer with her. It was a fight but she has finally got into it. She invites everyone she knows to come see her soccer games.

Catherine was still beaming about her starting school. Its just one day a week but she did awesome.


Anonymous said...

I bet of ALL the dates you've had - SHE is one of the best!! ;) i mean really, who else can wear ice cream SO well! You're a GREAT Dad!

Anonymous said...

what ya mean ALL the dates....practically virginal ya know