Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mckenna family Christmas party

The annual Christmas party of Nana's family was held today.  Its amazing to look around and see the kids that are all grown up now, like ours and the cousins and then there are the little ones that are running ones every year for sure...
All the kids were there except for Emily who was in a swim meet at Brown University.  Laura would have been there but for the unfortunate incident with a lifeguard stand (a fixed one) and a broken foot bone....She's surviving with a boot.  That still hasn't stopped her from practicing.  She says that she is moving right along and healing well...but she still has a little ways to go. 
Well, the kids seemed to have a good time with the extended family.  There was plenty of food for all and once again I sang Christmas songs with the kids until Santa showed up....of course the kids all wait for the SpongeBob Squarepants song.  Its good to be known for something I suppose!!

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