Sunday, December 15, 2019

Jack the King

His Friday nights are spent being treated like a king over Aunt Jo's house and when he goes over the Umples house they too treat him like the Royal one that he is.  Every week he has asked me to go over to the umps house to watch the football game but unfortunately most of the games have been played late at night or we had otherwise been busy.  Umple Eddie, Bobby and Paula had treated him wondfully once again with a feast and had everything but a toe rub for him.  He goes right to the end of the couch where the food is brought to him.  I really cant make fun of him because i'm treated about the same way over there.  He loves to hear Bobby's commentary on the game as its going on.  They really like having him over too.  Jack is a pretty cool kid with a great personality and we laugh quite a bit while we are there. 
Of course the Patriots won and Jackie is already asking about the next time we can go over and enjoy a game.

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