Thursday, December 26, 2019

An After Christmas trip up the lake

The day after Christmas Jackie and his friends Gavin (Big Boy) and Zach joined Mommy, Catherine and I up North.  The crazy thing was that we had more snow at home than up the mountains.  So Jackie was excited to show them the sledding hill.  Well, the sledding hill was half grass when we went to look.  The bottom of the hill was snow so they got in about four or five runs in the half grass, half snow hill.  The kids start at the top of the hill (obviously) and then I go down a couple of streets and pick them up at the bottom of the hill.  There was another group that was making the run so it must have been fun.  The ground was cold and there was enough ice to make them go somewhat fast.  
     I really like that these kids always like to spend times outside instead of just looking for video games to play.  They not only did this sledding but they spent some time playing football in the yard too.

Of  course there was the obligatory trip to the Old Country store for some penny candy.  Its a fun time for the kids to walking through the store. 
The second day we went to Fun Spot, the largest arcade in the world, or so they say.  inside they have a full bowling alley and a mini golf course.  The bowling was full so we went and did 18 holes of golf.  ..jack was bragging about getting the most holes in one, but that only means that he was beaten badly. 
 During the night the kids went to go see Jumangi...I went with the girls to see the newest Star Wars.  I'm not much of a Star Wars guy but it was pretty good, or at least i didnt fall asleep....which i usually do.  

      Those boys seemed to have a real good time.  Of course there is no real bed time at the lake so they could, and did, stay up as late as they want and be as goofy as can be.  In the morning they were dragging a little bit, but as 13 year olds do, they snapped right back.

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