Thursday, January 25, 2018

Another first

     Jimmy got his license last week and you know what that meant..yep, he had to get a new car.  Well, not exactly new, but new for him.  Its an older car and thankfully, he likes it.  Today was the first day that he was able to drive to school by himself with Laura.  He was nervously excited.  He popped into my room early this morning with Laura to tell me about their new way to get to school.   Well, i know I'm silly, but I couldn't help but think of the times Jimmy and I rode bikes to school and he would ride up and make sure all the kids on the bus would see him on his bike.  He would yell out 'Hi Charley, Hi Mike, Hi Clayton"!  Everything has come full circle and only a bigger transporting vehicle.  Well, his car is pretty cool, maybe not a camaro but its his first car

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