Friday, June 23, 2017

Last day of bus

      If its drama you want, look no further.  I am keenly aware that we are coming across the lasts of things here.  Today marked the last day of putting kids on buses to school.  Can I tell you something?? Its horrible!!!  Every morning, like it or not since Jimmy was in kindergarten we have made our way down the corner of the street and played catch with a tennis ball.  All of the kids joined in on it through the years and it was just something that i took for granted.  It was just part of my day.  ohhh its hitting me that its over!!  I suppose its just time for new things and guess what Jackie asked me today??  He said-Can we still play catch every morning next year before I go to middle school??  Well, of course we can Jackie!!  I just have to go to sleep earlier....New traditions!!!  okay, now i feel better!!

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