Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Field Trip with Jackies fourth grade class

Jackie came to me last week all excited and told me that I had been chosen to be a chaperone to the Mills in Lowell.  I had done that trip in years past but i didnt exactly remember signing up.  Thats okay, I just got 'chosen' to participate in field day next Tuesday and I swear I didnt sign up for that one either.  Believe me, its awesome that he still wants me to go and I only joke about it because i love it......But he is a riot.
Jackie in between all the big machines.
     I remember this exercise from the other kids where they had to pretend to be engineers and build a way to hoist baskets up a ramp.  They get forty five minutes to figure it all out.  They did a great job working their way through it.
     There was a very good crew of kids.  They were all well behaved and I  didnt lose any kids in my group.  Thats always a plus..
They were all showing me their best photo bombs

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