Saturday, July 01, 2017

Laken it for the fourth

My little angel wanted me to take pictures of her on the dock.    Her moves are incredible
 Our annual Fourth of July picture with Laura and the fireworks in the background.  This year we went to the lake and there is this guy who lights firworks off of his own private barge in the lake.  His show was as good as any, really entertaining for the kids.....and adults.
      Nana decided to take a ride on the paddle boats with Laura.  She did very well and thankfully didnt fall....Umple Eddie was up a couple of days earlier and couldnt say the same.  He lost his expensive  sunglasses in the lake, to never be seen again....poor ump
      Jimmy and Jake took over the garage and made it into their own little video gaming area.  I was told by both that i'll have to increase the power of the internet at the site...oh boy

      On the third they had an awesome setup of jumpy jumpies and competition courses that Cat and Erin took part in.  They had a dance at night too...I didnt get to bust the move with them because i was off with the other kids....

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