Thursday, April 27, 2017

Catherines Annual Birthday trip with uncle Patrick

     Every year around her birthday Catherine gets a trip with her Godfather, Uncle Patrick.  He brings her out to eat and then they go shopping where she has a budget of how much money uncle Patrick givers her of what she can spend.  According to Catherine they always go over by quite a bit.  Catherine loves making slime so she got all the fixings for making the disgusting stuff....among other things that he spoils her on.  She looks forward to this every year and its part of her birthday celebration.
Patrick had asked me if she thinks she is getting too old for this special day between the two of them.  He wants her to not worry about it if she thinks shes getting too old for it.  The thought didnt even cross my mind but i asked Catherine about it.  Her face dropped when i asked her if she was getting too old for this day with Uncle Patrick.....Noooooo, she says.  He spoils her and if someone wants to celebrate her birthday she's all for it.  She is actually very sweet but she is not ready to quit this tradition any time soon.  She loves her uncle Patrick and loves their special day together.

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