Thursday, April 13, 2017

Catherine's Birthday At the Gahhhden

  We are so lucky to have had so many of the great times like the one we had last night.  From the moment Cat heard we were going to the Celtics game to the moment she closed her eyes last night she was in joy.  I got a call the other day from my friend Scotty and he told me he a pair of tickets to the Celtics and if I'd be interested in having them.  Well, you know I would.  Loge 1, row 12...what great seats. It was like they were right in front of us...very close.   Again, we headed out and Catherine asked me if we were going to head on the trolley.  I asked her if she wanted to and she hesitated because I know she really wanted to.  Something about a smelly vagabond sleeping on a train that makes memories for the little ones!!

  A quick look at the tickets show that the game started at 8:00pm.  Wow, thats kinda late so off we went to take in some sights before gametime.  We headed to Quincy market and Catherine was excited to get some Clam Chowdah.  There was a guy doing a great job playing the buckets outside that really drew our attention.  Catherine gave him a dollar.
  So onward we go into the game.  Not once, not twice but three times Catherine appeared on the jumbotron.....One time it was for a good ten seconds.  She was so cute holding her Go Celtics sign and dancing around.  There was, of course, the obligatory three hundred trips to the bathroom and also we had to hit the stands to get something to drink and then some ice cream, or gelato as they now call it....but it was gooooood.  The end result was a victory for the boys in green and we got to scream out for the victory!!!

   Here we are on the trolley on the way home.  We got on and found a seat in the crowded trolley car and there were a couple of college aged kids among those standing and it was obvious they had just come from the game too.  They were as excited as any college students would be after they had a couple and had just came from the big game.  I presented to them that they had a young lady with a birthday tonight and asked him if he could help get a birthday song.  One of the guys yelled out to the rest of the train to join in to wish his little friend Catherine a happy birthday.  The end result was this vidoe...soooooo sooooo cute.

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