Sunday, April 02, 2017

Annual walkathon through the McFlurries...

     What a great day for a walk!!!  Well, it was better than the day before...which was snowy and miserable, but this day turned out great for us.  It was well attended, especially by the little ones.  I had the pleasure of driving Laura and her friends.  What a riot listening to Raquel talk about how this guy who works at the Waltham McDonalds makes the very best Mcflurry's...better than any other McFlurry maker she's ever experienced and then one day he was gone.  She told the story so good and was great!!


The streets were taken care of for our walk.  I walked with Bobby and Paula most of the way and it gets so much easier to let the kids be own their own as they get older.  They were all very well behaved.
     After the walk we all trekked over to Patricks and Karen's  for a barbecue.  We were all inside due to the weather but the kids played pool downstairs and parents were all entertaining upstairs.
I was looking through the pictures for a picture of Paula.  These are all we got...poor Paula!!!

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