Monday, February 01, 2016

Weekend meets

     These two chicks are awesome.  They practice so hard all week and deserve all the outstanding scores and awards they get.  Emily for the breast stroke and Laura for the butterfly.  its so fun to watch them.

     Brutus and beefcake posing....
A little pizza to celebrate a great swim meet
Another first place finish for Catherine.  This one was the cutest of them all.  She had NO idea that she had won.  She had earned an 8.95 on the vault and she just figured that wasn't good enough to medal.  I guess you just never know how rough they judge on certain days but on this day, it was certainly gold worthy.  It was awesome to watch her on the podium, her lip was quivering and I'm shocked that she didn't start crying.  She was so happy!! 

Jimmy playing a little basketball.  He's getting much better.  His skills are mostly built on his ability to hustle.  He's no Pistol Pete Maravich, but his coach tells him that he gets his playing time because of his hustling so for that I'm very proud. 
     The only game I didn't get to was Jackie's soccer game on Saturday morning.  Ant Jo had that all taken care of for us but by all accounts Jackie had a spectacular game.  He recreates a lot of the action when he's telling us about his game so its almost like we are there.

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