Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Spring day in February

he had just made a similar shot from the street and asked me to video him doing it again. i really didnt think he'd do it again. It took him two shots to duplicate it.....Lots of fun this kid

wow and what a beautiful day in February....We spent the whole day outside, at the park, on the street, in the front yard...where else would you go on a February Sunday....It was such a good time on a great day to just hang out in good weather.  First, Catherine and Jack came with me to go to Dunkin donuts and just hang out with some coffee and muffins.  Laura and Jimmy stayed home, as Jimmy just came home from CCD.  That's some tiring stuff I know.  We received a phone call while we were pulling into DD's from one of Jack's friends father.  We were headed out to play football after DD's so I told the dad that's what we were doing.  Apparently the kid wanted to stay inside and play video games and he wasn't an outdoorsy person.  I gave Jack the option of what to do and he chose the correct one.........After Coffee, can you believe we went and played some baseball!!  We had gone and got Laura to come with us and she and Catherine played Softball and Jack and I played baseball.  Cat is becoming quite the pitcher and Laura is keeping on her to practice.  I pitched baseballs to Jack for a while and he crushed some right back at me and also he couldn't believe how fat he was hitting the ball.   I think the swimming is giving a lot of power.  Catherine had a softball bounce up and hit her in the face and she was out of commission for a bit so Laura caught and did some rifling throws to second from her crouched position 
     I was content just to go home and hang after that, but they weren't.  Jimmy came out and played some wiffleball and basketball with us and the girls played too, but then Cat went and got her gymnastic mat and did these crazy flips....oh, they scare me....Jimmy and Jack played on for what seemed like hours and eventually we went to the grocery store.  We finished up this fun filled day by cooking burgers and dogs on the the way, did you see Jack's shot from the street?  I suppose none of this is spellbindingly interesting but the day was awesome and fun for all of us.  Days like this happen all the time and I am so lucky to have these kids!!!

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