Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ice Castles NH, 2016

      Off we go to the famous Ice Castles in Lincoln NH!!!  Jackie, Laura, Catherine, Erin, Emily and Mommy and Daddy.  Jimmy stayed home because he had a basketball game that Nana and Doe took him to.    Here's what we can say about it....There was nothing flashy about the place and there was a lot of people there.  Although it was pretty packed, it was sort of peaceful to walk around, even with five kids in tow.  There was a luge (yes luge, not huge) slide with a very long line, but it was cool to just hang there talking while we were waiting in line.  After we were done with the slide we walked the whole icicle place and when it got dark you could see all the castles changing colors.  The kids kept themselves busy taking different pictures on their devices because there were a lot of photogenic things abound.  There were also ice tunnels that the kids climbed through.  In a lot of the walls there were sculptured chairs and the kids didn't miss an opportunity to sit and one of them and wanted us to take a picture whenever they did sit.  We, of course, obliged.  there were a couple of little cave like areas that led right back to where you go into them.  The kids seem to really like being there and it was less than two hours in the car (four round trip) so not so bad.
     After we were done we stopped at a pizza place right down the street because the kids were starving.  They had run around for a couple of hours and needed to fill up.  It was a really good time.

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