Sunday, February 07, 2016

laura's superbowl party

     Laura cooked and baked for two days straight and was so excited to have her Super Bowl party.  Ant Jo helped her do the baking on Saturday and Laura was sooooo gung ho to do it.  I snuck a couple of cookies but they were guarding them like fort knox.   She had a pretty decent crowd of her friends, all goofballs....they had alot of laughs and fun.  they had a plan to come over and jump into the snow in their swimsuits but only Laura and Rachel did it.  Laura got a polaroid camera from Santa Claus and I lectured her about not taking too many pictures with it because the film was very expensive.  'Make the pictures count Laura', is what i said.  Of course I lined up to take a picture of the goofballs and proceeded to snap a picture of my hand.  Real Smooth Daddy she says.....she is becoming quite the cook though.....i'm gaining plenty of weight off of her cooking......nice job hippie.

The mad photo bomber reared his ugly head once again.  Here i was taking a lovely picture of all the girls in front of the TV while they were watching and cheering on the SuperBowl.  There was ALOTT of chocolates during the game...and i mean ALOT of sugar.

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