Sunday, September 27, 2015

Superhero 5k race

     It certainly was a busy Saturday with all the little creatures awakening early with laura and Catherine heading off with me to be at the Superhero 5k.  Laura has a football injury so she had to stay on the sidelines for this one.  She, of course, had a ton of fun.  she had given her race bib to Quinnie who ran/walked with Erin.  Well, they took the walking path, after laura was already signed up for the run and they took a short cut and ended up finishing 2nd and 3rd in that age group that Laura was supposed to be in.  So when they were announcing the awards they announced Laura's name so she went up and got the medal.  to make matters worse, Catherine actually would have finished 3rd if they hadnt taken the shortcut and she would have recieved a medal for 3rd place....She was just thrilled they announced her name as the first girl to finish under 10 years old so all was well....

     we all had alot of fun running today.  Catherine is really impressive with her running.  She started with the other two and soon took off without them because they were holding her back.  I could never keep up with her.

I had planned to walk the race with kimmie and kara but we got of the starting gate and i got my power walking on and then i just kept going.  I guess i was supposed to take the two mile course but i wanted to walk the 5k.  I really need to practice to keep my scores up, i think i finished almost last....i caught Joey and Kristen for the last mile and we finished together...that part was really fun
The last mile of the race i hooked up with Joey and Kristen.  when we got close he wanted to sprint into the finish line and hold our hands.  Such a cute little buggah.

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