Sunday, September 27, 2015

Family apple picking at the farm...2015

      Off we go to our annual apple picking excursion with the cousins and Quinnie..  This is such a fun trip.  Its a little over an hour away but the road up to it is perfect for blasting out some songs and making some noise.  We get there and get right into the hay ride over to the apple picking area.  Of course i go to take a picture from inside the wagon and Laura jumps right out.  she's so funny and I'm glad she did.  This was a perfect time of year to pick as all the trees were full with apples and hadnt been picked apart yet.  We got a couple of really big bags and off we went to the picnic area.   There were so many bags of the perfect donuts they sell there as well as some cider for all.  I ate so many donuts i still feel bloated.......a good feeling.

     After all the picking was done we must take our annual trip to the pumpking patch to take some pictures.  They wouldnt dare complain about doing this because they all know that Autie Kara loves taking pictures over here....and she means business.  They love their auntie kara and they'd do it anyway for her.

Superhero 5k race

     It certainly was a busy Saturday with all the little creatures awakening early with laura and Catherine heading off with me to be at the Superhero 5k.  Laura has a football injury so she had to stay on the sidelines for this one.  She, of course, had a ton of fun.  she had given her race bib to Quinnie who ran/walked with Erin.  Well, they took the walking path, after laura was already signed up for the run and they took a short cut and ended up finishing 2nd and 3rd in that age group that Laura was supposed to be in.  So when they were announcing the awards they announced Laura's name so she went up and got the medal.  to make matters worse, Catherine actually would have finished 3rd if they hadnt taken the shortcut and she would have recieved a medal for 3rd place....She was just thrilled they announced her name as the first girl to finish under 10 years old so all was well....

     we all had alot of fun running today.  Catherine is really impressive with her running.  She started with the other two and soon took off without them because they were holding her back.  I could never keep up with her.

I had planned to walk the race with kimmie and kara but we got of the starting gate and i got my power walking on and then i just kept going.  I guess i was supposed to take the two mile course but i wanted to walk the 5k.  I really need to practice to keep my scores up, i think i finished almost last....i caught Joey and Kristen for the last mile and we finished together...that part was really fun
The last mile of the race i hooked up with Joey and Kristen.  when we got close he wanted to sprint into the finish line and hold our hands.  Such a cute little buggah.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Red Sox game with Jimmy....

     Jimmy told me a month or so ago to make sure I got tickets to the Red Sox.  Loving that he still wants to go to the Red Sox with me, I was going to get them on Stub Hub but Ant Joe came through with two different games in two weeks.  He asked me during the game  what I thought the record was of games that we attended.  The got me to thinking, I never really paid much attention to the game or score...I really enjoy the I went on the blog to check out past Red Sox games....We have gone to a lot of games!!!  Its funny to watch and see him grow up through blogs of Red Sox games that we went to.
     We were sitting in our seats and I looked onto the field and said to Jimmy "That looks like Bobby"...he said he was thinking the same thing.  We went running down and sure enough there they were on the field with April, Billy, Bobby and Haley.  Such a great family.  Billy has Alopecia and they do a lot of fundraising for it and there was some sort of a photo op for it.  I also ran into an old friend from high school and his wife.  They were celebrating their wedding anniversary and they decided to do it in the greatest place on earth.  Dave just married off his daughter last week and he was still smiling from it talking all about it. 

     Big Papi never lets us down, he blasted one into the monster seats tonight early on....The lead didn't last but we got to scream for a home runner !!!
     I suppose we could always park up close to the park but there is nothing like taking a subway for the experience of it all. 
     As I was walking out the door Laura warned me not to go with light we had some McDonalds on the way there and I didn't last very long.....that was on the left pant leg...this picture is of my right pant leg, a little bit of ketchup and barbeque sauce with the Chicken Fingers from the park.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jimmy the Quarterback

The games have begun.  They hardly had a chance to begin practicing and off they go to the game.  Number 5 (James) has gone from flag to tackle in a year and is the starting quarterback for the Freshman team.  A touchdown pass in the first game and a long TD run in the second game.  He has had a pretty good first couple of games...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Laura and Cat apple picking with friends

The girls went apple picking with their friends...they are such fun goofballs....They are very cute kids and had so much fun....They went up to an apple orchand in NH and did some picking with our friends Bill and Beth and their kids plus Michaela.

Laura and Emma
Cat and my girl Mary

When Jack was little he had a crush on Kaitlin....The kids came over the house and played a spirited game of Monkey in the middle.....
loved the loud voices coming from outside while playing Monkey in the sounded like kids playing the way it should be...I dont think there is a better sound in the world than this.  I also, couldnt believe how close those planes came to each other...that would have been something...

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Repulsive iphone app's

Here's what happens when I let Jackie and Catherine play on my iphone.  I have had this app on the phone, as well as about a hundred other ones.  Last night, as usual, I got into bed last and Catherine was in my spot on the bed and mommy was fast asleep next to her.  So, I go to pick up Cat to bring her to bed (not an easy task, she's getting bigger and older and I'm getting older).  So I put the phone down on the bed.  Apparently, the Fart app was on and I hit one of the numbers and it went off with this repulsive sound....It took me a full second to figure out what the hell it was....  I was hoping the little Italian wouldn't wake up, but if she did she probably thought I was to blame.  Its a disgusting noise and the laughter was reserved for only me....I got a good chuckle going into bed and not a soul was awake to share it with me....

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Saturday Sports.....

     This Saturday's sports were Laura playing football, Catherine and Erin playing football and Jack playing soccer.  Laura's team were killing the opponent by about fifty poijnjts.  She was showing the boys how to play.  If you look below you can see Catherine running hard for the sidelines guarding that ball with all her might.   She has never played flag before, except on the front lawn with the boys so she knows all the rules and get run without flag guarding.  They all did extremely well.

     Here is jackie showing off his soccer moves.  He is a riot to watch.  You can hear that voice of his all over the field.