Thursday, June 04, 2015

Moving up to fifth grade concert for Catherine

     My little Catherine had her last concert at the Harrington.  She was so cute playing the violin and may I add she and her fellow classmates sounded like professional band players.  Next year she is turning in the violin for just being in the chorus.  She wasn't interested in the trombone or something more musical but she does have the only voice in the family that can hold a note....well, besides the obvious one.
     CatherineQ was also in the band and playing the violin.  She has become part of the family and is like my third daughter.  She is very sweet and comes over all the time.

     and here is our friend TK.  The kids absolutely love this kid.  He reminds me of Charlie so much.  He is just such a free wheeling kind of dude and marches to his own drummer.  He certainly has a lot of fun.  I remember the first time we met him, Lyn and I were sitting on the couch in the back yard room and he came walking right in through the garage door.  I asked him who he was and he just said "hi, i'm TK".  That's all that needed to be said.  He is a cool kid.

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