Sunday, June 14, 2015

Road racing

It was a two mile race, a perfect distance for the kiddies to run/walk.  I told Cat and Jack if they have problems that they have to go off to the right and collapse there and i'll follow and scoop them up if need be.  The girls were off at the starting gate to a blazing start so I thought for sure there would be at least one of them to get off the route, but they both stuck with it and had some good times.  I think Laura was right at around 14 minutes for 2 miles.  I stuck with jack and he took a little bit of a detour but he still finished strong.

Catherine ran with her friend Sydney and I think they were around 20 minutes or so, finishing strong, as you can see.  Catherine Q was smarter and she walked most of the way.  Jack's buddy Matthew came to the race to watch and cheer everyone on....
After the race we all went over to Eileen's house and had a nice little barbeque and saw Brandi and her hubby and kids.  They had come into town from Arkansas.  It was also a party for Kristina's high school graduation.  Both Matthew and Catherine Q joined us over there and had a blast playing the yard all day.  oh, in case anyone is wondering, I survived the race with a stellar time of....I actually forgot, but it was around 21 to 23 minutes. 

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