Thursday, June 04, 2015

Laura's last concert of the year

     I'm in the cheap seats but I still can find her in the cell phone picture.  It was her last concert of the year so we had to scramble to get out of softball games to get there in time...well, we weren't on time but we got there at least in time for her to get on stage.  I'd like to think it would be relaxing and it wasn't that bad.  We sat up in the balcony area and it wasn't that bad at all.  We usually sit near the stage so we are sure they can see us but chances are they cant anyway so these seats weren't so bad after all.  I must say if I haven't said it before, i'm so impressed that sixth graders sound so good.  Not that i'm a music expert, but for a  casual observer (bias too) I can actually enjoy listening to the little buggars.

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