Friday, June 19, 2015

Annual bike ride to school day

     Oh yeah, we look forward to this all year long.  The kids ask me about riding the bike to school during the last week of school all year long....Its stress because they think i'll forget.  Its a fun tradition since Jimmy was in the younger grades and has just gone on since then.  Its pretty fun.  We wait until the bus comes so that all their friends can see them riding along the street.  I have to ride to school to pick them up too.  It really isn't that long of a ride either way but its fun for them to be signed out from school and do something different.
     We ride on the sidewalk down the main street.  I think it gives them a little bit of freedom to do the big kid things.  Catherine went out in front and stopped at all the intersections and, as always, did the proper thing of looking both ways before she let us approach any danger.  The bus lies by us and Bonnie the bus driver honks loudly followed by waves of all the school children inside.  Its a fun tradition, one which we have another year remaining on....unless there are more kids coming!!!

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