Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what a blast this night was. I had been tipped off that the tickets were on Groupon and sure enough, they were so I scooped up 5 of them, and on the floor too. Well, I knew Jimmy wouldn't come, even though I asked him-I think his answer was a quick 'I don't think so'. oh well, and believe it or not the hippie wasn't too keen on it either but she was going to go up until her softball game had been rained out the night before so she was a no-go also. I had asked Theresa if she wanted to join us....and of course she would!!! Erin filled in for Laura, Catherine was sick but wouldn't miss it for the world either and jack, well Jack had a playoff game and I gave him the option to opt out but he was sure this was Barry's last concert ever and he didn't want to miss it. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he'll probably have another farewell tour in a couple of years....
We started off the night at Fire and Ice on Boylston Street. The kids really love this place. you go and get your own raw food and stick it in a bowl, they cook it right in front of you. The kids seem to really like this place. From there we jumped on the green line and headed over to the Garden. Regardless of other modes of transportation you could take, the trolley is still exciting and fun to go on. After finally jumping on the right trolley we headed the four stops and bounced our way into the garden.
They had a opening act who wasn't that bad, a trombone guy, but he went on for a little bit too long. Our long awaited man finally did come on and from there it was two hours of nonstop dancing and singing. The kids were by far the youngest at the concert. In fact, I think they were the only kids in the place.
Overall, I must say, we had a blast. the kids danced the whole night. The old ladies around us asked the kids how in the world they know the words to the Barry songs and they pointed to me with a giggle. so funny and fun too. Jack spent a lot of the night in the aisle dancing and swaying his glow in the dark wand that they handed him when we came in. oh, the laughs we had just having fun and dancing. My legs hurt me more from dancing all night then from running the race on Sunday.