Saturday, April 25, 2015

Opening day for jack and Laura

He's got the pitching mindset.  This is some serious business.  He was very excited all week.  He got in there and struck out the first two batters he faced, let up two walks, hit a batter but then toasted the next batter.  Not too bad for his first time pitching.  I had asked him about the batter he hit and he told me the guy was crowding the plate so he had to move him off...ooooo, I don't really think that's why he hit him...but what a little buggah......
Laura's game on this cold day featured less players because they appartently were all on vacation so they had to do some borrowing.  She has quite an arm for her catching duties.  She has done wonderfully after playing up all of last year and is great with this goofy bunch.

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