Sunday, April 26, 2015

Muckfest with Kara and Laura

Definitely refusing to give in to the thought that I might be getting too old for this stuff.  Kara did the Muckfest last year and I thought it would be a fun thing to do to join the Mother Muckers.  Muckfest is this 5K race with a bunch of obstacles where you run and fall into mud and muck and mire, climb all these rope challenges and fall into a pool of muddy, cold and disgusting water.....and we have to pay for the honor of doing this.  Here I am with Kara and Laura....Kara did pretty darn well too

It was a very fun time though.  Laura just breezed through it and did all the challenges.  I skipped one that I knew I couldn't do, and the other two I skipped was because I just got sick of being in cold disgusting water...ewwww...but the other ones I did....muck indeed!!!

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