Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter 2015

     Here comes the Easter Bunny back in town for another years worth of over eating and shenanigans.  We started out the day, actually early at night, trying to figure out where the Easter Bunny would be able to drop all his eggs so we toughed it out and put up the landing strip on the little grass we have on the front lawn.  Usually, the Easter Bunny has full reign of the front and back yard and the sides too.  This year we are lucky that enough of it has melted to give us what we have.  There were plenty of eggs this year, Like every year, Mommy doesn't think we'll have enough, but this year, the Easter Bunny gave us plenty.  So around midnight the Easter Bunny was out on the front lawn putting all the eggs out. 

     After all the eggs had been picked we headed off for church.  The priest is a bit off at times I think.  He was trying to prove the point that we still believe that Christ had risen even though nobody saw him.  It was about having faith.  So he kept mentioning how we believe the word of the drug dealer when he gives us our white powder and we believe its what he says it is so why cant we believe that Jesus rose from the dead.  He held onto that storyline for far too long....But, the kids were very good in church.  When it was time for the offeratory, the deacon in training walked up to my pew and asked me if we would bring the gifts up to the altar and of course I said okay.  Jackie was in our pew so he went with me.  Now, I must say that the mass was being held in honor of two people, Marion and Peter matters because when we went up to bring the gifts to the priest he asked Jack if he was a Shanahan.  Jack had this quizzical look on his face on his way back to the pew and he told mommy that the priest asked him if he was a shenanigan.....
     The kids found the creepy bunny rabbit outside the owl.  Maybe its just me but the Easter Bunny always gives me creeps.
     As is custom on Easter Morning after mass we went to a local donut shop and got a couple of donuts and coffee, of course.  After that we head out to Uncle Timmy's house for his annual Easter Egg hunt.  Thankfully he had enough snow cleared out to keep the kiddies happy.   They look forward to it.  Here, the kids are coming down the steps, well except Jimmy who is right in front of the picture talking to BAE.  Don't ask me what BAE means, its just a name for significant other that the kids are using these days.  Hopefully its not inappropriate...

     And then off we went to Aunt Jo's house for the Easter extravaganza.  The potatoes were phenomenal.  They made the mistake of putting the potato slices with cheese in front of me and I went in for the kill. 
     Jack likes to dress his businessman clothes.  Catherine likes girly things but you wont catch Laura in a dress.  Jimmy is getting better about dressing up, either that or he's realizing that he's not gonna win with Aunt Jo and Mommy.  If it were up to him he'd be in shorts and a t-shirt all the time.

     The kids get yet another Easter Egg hunt over aunt Jo's house.  I think they make out pretty darn good.

     During Easter we always have a birthday cake for Jimmy, Cat and Kara.  Catherine takes the birthday thing to a whole new level.  Everything for the past several months has been leading up to the special day and its coming soon.  Here she is sitting with Jacob, he's so good to her.    She is the sweetest girl in the planet though.
     When all was said and done, we had eaten like porkers with no regard for our well being.  The food was that good.  I suppose that's how its supposed to be on Easter.  Once again, the day was a complete success.

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