Monday, April 13, 2015

Catherine's Birthday/Celtics game

     What can we say about today....The long anticipated time which we have come to know as Catherine's birthday extravaganza, has finally arrived.  I have never seen anyone get more from a day than this little angel.  All year long, whenever the month of April or the number 13 (or any number around 13) gets mentioned, she is right on top of it celebrating her special date. 
     It started a couple of weeks ago when my friend John called and told me he had  Celtic tickets and would we be interested in it.  Of course we would I said.  Now we don't really watch the Celtics at all, nor pay attention to them ever since  Larry Bird retired, but we are always up for a good time.  So off we went.  The question was whether to take the train or drive a bit and catch up on the trolley....the trolley route it was.  We got out a little bit early so we headed to Faneuil Hall on the orange line and got a burger at Durgin park.  Her biggest decision was whether to get mac and cheese or a cheeseburger and the burger won out in the end. 
     Next, we went right over to the Gahden and found our wonderful seats.  Man o Man those were great seats.  We were in the tenth row and could see all the action.  The Celtics blew the Cavaliers away all game so that made it fun and interesting.  There was a girl in the row next to us dressed up all in green with a silly outfit and the camera went to her several times.  Catherine stole the whole action because she got on the JumboTron twice.....It was awesome, she was so excited.
     The game went by real quick, we did make a break during the game for some ice cream and tinkle.  We stayed till the very end and enjoyed the heck out of the game. 
     After the game we went back over to Quincy Market and shopped and just basically people watched.  Catherine spotted a candy store that she wanted to go into so in we went there.  Also, there was a photo booth that she wanted pictures so we went in there too.  There was this Cookie booth and we could never pass that up either so a dozen cookies later.......
     A couple of times there were street performers doing assorted tricks and Catherine seemed to love that...
     Overall, what a great day.  The girl doesn't stop smiling all day and thanking Daddy...She's awesome.  I had such a great day with her!!

     She got these goofball glasses outside from a vendor for five bucks.  We got our money's worth out of them.  She took numerous selfies for herself because she's cute

     Very enticing to jump right into the picture with Bobby Orr here....So cute

     And with Red at Faneuil hall too.....I think she tried to pull the cigar out cigar!!

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