Thankfully, there was minimal drama. We knew there would be a little bit because of the nature of the wafer, but when all was said and done, he at the cookie. Before the mass he insisted that he would not go to his first communion mass because he would not eat the cookie. We knew that he would lose this one. After all the complaints he did just great. It was cute to watch him all mass just sitting there paying attention to the mass. When the priest was up doing the sermon of course Jack got into his act being animated when the priest made a hypothetical comment and jack would point to himself and get involved. That's my little buddy though, never a dull moment. We took lots of photo's at appropriate times (because they limit your photo taking during the mass) and everything went so smoothly. Before the mass Jack did his little dance outside right next to the statue of Mary....Bordering on sacrilegious, it was cute nonetheless......its jack, he's gotta dance ya know!!

Here is Jack with his good friend Addison. He and Addison have been together since his first year of preschool. She's a cute little gal and a firecracker that keeps Jack in line.
Look at what a little angel he started out being. Then all hell broke loose
After the mass was over we all packed up and went to the Outback Steakhouse for some grub. Of course all the cousins were there with us, as we are lucky enough to always have them there. Its so good they are so close in age and as close as brothers and sisters.