Monday, March 02, 2015

Jackie and his basketball.

     I could just sit and watch this all day long.  Its so fun to go and watch him play any sport at all.  On Saturday mornings he goes off and plays soccer.  Aunt Jo is the lucky one that usually gets to bring him there but I get the update on how many goals he gets.  On this day, he played in a round robin basketball tournament after soccer.  One thing you can say about Jackie is that he certainly doesn't get cheated out of any shots.  Here, he drives down to the  hoop after stealing the ball and banks the shot, then flies up the other side of the court.  He does shoot a lot but there is nobody on either side that matches his hustle so its no wonder he has the ball all the time. 
     He scored ten points during the games today.  I wish I had the camera running about five minutes after this basket.  He was beyond the three point line and near the out of bounds line towards half court.  He had the ball and nobody on his team went to help out so he did what he does best....he heaved the ball with one hand up and towards the basket and sure enough it went 'kerplunk' right off the rim and into the basket.  I keeled over I was laughing so hard.  He just turned and ran up the court.  You could hear everyone just start yelling and laughing in disbelief.  I have to say, its just great to watch them play!!!
     I of the things I really enjoy are his stories he tells after the games.  I could usually watch either his soccer or basketball game and the story that he tells me about what happened are so much more interesting and glorious then the ones I watched.  Sometimes I wonder if I saw the same game he's describing.  On the way home or at home after the game, he'll describe step by step what happened and how far away he was when he scored the basket/goal.  Its great.  Well, after the basketball game he was describing to me his long distance/half court shot and was saying "I had two guys on me and I was looking for someone to pass to'...I stopped him right there.....HOLD UP MISTER, I WATCHED THE WHOLE GAME AND I KNOW YOU WERENT LOOKING FOR ANYONE TO PASS TO......He laughed and said 'you're right dad, I wasn't looking to pass".....he loved that and told everyone that exchanged between the two of us.....
     I have watched this over and over again.  I think I laugh every time I watch it.  He cracks me up just by being him.  Just look at the way he runs back down the court after he hits the a cool dude.  What a great team!!!