Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Roller Skating

      It was roller skating day and off we went.  Kiara and Grace were there with their family and invited us there with them.  I don't know what I was thinking but I laced up the old skates and took my life in my own hands, not to mention the lives of everyone around me.  I didn't fall.   Laura, never one to miss a good time, accompanied Catherine and had a blast... Jackie had never skated before and he was touch and go most of the time.  After falling for about the tenth time he yelled at me that it was all my fault because I made him go there with me.....but of course, everything is better with Jackie being there so he figured it out and ended up playing the arcade games.  Catherine astonishes me sometimes.  She did a karaoke song all by herself....it was awesome.....sometimes she is so shy and timid but other times she is fearless. She was so fun to watch during the anticipation of her name being called.  She was looking forward to singing so much, you could see it all over her.  That smile, oh goodness.... who would imagine that she would wait so patiently so she could get up in front of about forty people and sing a solo....so cute.


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