Saturday, February 14, 2015

Laura Swimming and warming the butter sticks

      Laura had regionals today and last night...she's a beast.

     Here, Laura is competing in the relay and getting ready to jump in.  Unfortunately, she lost her goggles once she got in the water so it slowed her down a little bit, but she recovered, just didn't finish in first. 
And of course, after the swim meet we went for a celebratory meal at the lovely restaurant nearby.  Laura and Emily ate their weight, we actually shared a lot of appetizers and pizza.  But the bread was fantastic.  The only problem, the butter cubes were very cold and frozen.  So, like a teaching parent that I am, I showed the girls how to warm the butter....under your armpit of course.  Everything went well, until we got home and Fenway kept jumping up on them trying to sniff their armpits.   It was a very nice time and I had a lot of laughs with the swimming gals. 

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