Tuesday, March 10, 2015

He never knew Bucky Dent

     Jimmy's basketball team lost in the semi finals last night.  It was a tightly fought affair with the game going  down to the last possession.   The games were so entertaining, Umple Eddie, Doe, Nana, Aunti Jo, Bae and her mom, Jack and Laura all joined us to cheer him on.  It was quite a run for a 3-10 team but it got me to thinking, this kid has seemed to win everything he's been involved in and has known only winning sports teams since he was born.  Last year, his basketball team won the championship, his little league team was the town championship.  He's known four Super Bowl champions, three world series champions, a Stanley Cup winner and an NBA championship.  How are we going to teach this kid the agony of defeat??  He has Tom Brady, we had Tony Eason.  At least we had Larry Bird to show us there are champions but what about Bucky 'bleeping' Dent and Bill Buckner...no, he knows none of that....Our theme song was Whitney Houston singing 'didn't we almost have it all'...and we loved it, we were used to losing....well now he knows a little bit of defeat and knows how his pop, uncles and aunts felt like every stinking year,  especially with the Red Sox. 
     But it was a great game.  He is an unbelievable athlete and it really is fun to watch him play any sport.  He is no different than when he was 7 years old and running around the court in the church league (not winning the most christlike award).  I know its not the truth, but he makes everyone look like their standing still because he runs from one end of the court to the next constantly and is always running toward the ball, never dragging his feet. 
     I know life isn't all about sports, but its really fun to see all of them compete every weekend.

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