Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A night in the life.....

      While on the way to Nana's house to sing happy birthday, we once again drove by Pop Pop's statue.  Usually, we just drive by and say "hi pop pop's statue".  Today I asked Jackie if he wanted to stop and he said yes as did Catherine.  We did stop and and paid a visit to the group of stones as well as his original stone.  It was neat to just hang out there for a minute.  It didn't take much effort and off we were to sing to Nana.
     I love doing these boring things with the kids.  They are so good that they don't care where they go as long as they go somewhere and do things.  It is so easy to please them.  Things like just chilling out at Pop Pop's statue.  I like that they don't mind hanging out with me yet.......

      After going to Nana's house the three oldest asked if we could go to the library so they could get a book.  We went last week and they seemed to like it.  I went into Cat's room one day last week and Jack was reading to Catherine.  so cute!!!

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