Monday, September 15, 2014

Football Jack

      And off he goes into the world of flag football.  He ended up being on Dominic's team and the two of them are a wrecking crew.  This top picture shows Jackie holding the ball properly (so as not to flag guard) as he finishes off a reverse handoff that took the ball to the house (touchdown) the whole length of the field.
     He is so serious when it comes to his sports, its really cute to watch.  For weeks he has yelled to me to go out on the front lawn and either play football or soccer.  It is particular things that he wants to work on, like the grip of the football or how to catch it with his hands.  The picture above he is getting ready to launch it downfield.  He told me later that he didn't throw this ball that well because it wasn't a spiral.  I love watching him play, its like the Super Bowl.
                                              Dominic dumping off to Jack for a nice gain.
                                     One of the very few times that they sat.

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