Sunday, September 28, 2014

We went to the Fair !!

     For mommy's birthday this year she decided that she wanted everyone to go to the Fryeburg fair.  The kids were hot on the idea and jumped at the chance.  Jimmy had a baseball game so he stayed with Auntie Jo.  He didn't object at all.....I haven't received the full report, but i'm sure it was a spoil Jimmyfest. 
     Emily and Erin were happy to come over and join the fun.  We went up Saturday night and stayed over Neenies place.  We weren't there very long, just to sleep and roll on out.  However, in the morning when we went down to make sure we had everything for our trip you would have thought that a pack of Indians came through. 

     Six hours later Catherine was still talking about how good that lemonade was.
     Laura wanted to go on all the sky rides. 

     The kids went on the rock climbing wall.  Shooting right up the wall.

     And then off to Neenies house before the trip home.....It was almost like summer....only the water was cold, cold cold....It didnt seem to bother them though

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