Monday, September 15, 2014

Jackie playing soccer....another Pele he is

We havent really been a soccer family over the years.  I always thought it was a boring sport, maybe without alot of action but alot of other people tend to like it.  Each of the kids at one time or another has played soccer and grew out of it relatively quick.  Jimmy and ump go on and on about how boring it is to watch a five hour game with no scoring and they mock how exciting it is.  When we told Jack that he could join soccer he was a little bit hesitant but was excited just the same to play.  He started watching World Cup soccer on YouTube and practicing in the front yard.  Of course he gets bothered when Jimmy tells him its boring but it doesn't bother him enough to not be happy playing.  He loves it and he's really improved so much just but teaching himself and moving around with the ball on his own or with me or the girls....mostly he asks me to stand in the crease of the goal and become a shooting object.  So i make a save out of pure survival instinct.
     This Saturday Jack played his second game and I must say, he was awesome!!!  He had great foot moves with the ball and he even scored two of his teams four goals in the win.  He's so intense and loves the competition.  I love watching him play.  So so fun!!

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