Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Field trip to Lexington and Concord

It was a fabulous time being a chaperone for the third graders in Lexington and Concord.  The rain, rain, rain, came down, down down.  But overall, the kids were really great about it.  The organizers were able to bring everyone inside in Lexington but thankfully they had us all go walking when we got to Concord.  The rain had stopped for a little bit when we got to the Old North Bridge so all the kids were allowed to run around and let off some steam.  I loved that they allowed them to do that so of course I had to join in the fun and festivities also.  The bus ride was bumpy but once again, I got to sit in the back with my beautiful gal across from me.  It was a great time.  The video link below was taken when the kids joined me in a run across the bridge. 



Cat was so very cute, as usual.  This was the second field trip I've been able to have with this group this year, the first one was the Museum of Science.  They are a great group of kiddos. 

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