Monday, June 23, 2014

Annual bike ride to school day.

     They look forward to this day all year long.  I hear one of them asking me about it at some point all year long.  Its the last week of school so that means we get to ride our bikes to the school and Jack and Catherine get to be the cool kids.  They actually got up early this morning (which means they got me up early) and had the bikes and helmets and all the school stuff all ready to go. 
     Its a real fun time just riding the mile to school.  Jack made us stop a couple of times so that we could see his bus drive by and he could give his cool wave to all the kids.  They were so happy today and it was simple to do wasn't it......
     I remember starting this off with Jimmy and how he loved to do just about the exact things that Jack does, though he wouldn't admit it.  I think Jack is a little bit more of a daredevil and I have to keep an eye on him at all times.  They are cool kids though!!


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