Monday, June 30, 2014

A Sunday in Bonkersville

     Bonkersville is a place where children watch this crazed WWE wrestling and schedule their whole days around it.  Well, we actually considered bringing them to the Garden to see the wrestling matches but its so much cheaper when there are 7 of them just to buy it on the tv and have a crazy night in the living room.  At one point, I just went outside and made myself a fire while random children would come join me by the fire if the match they were watching wasn't attractive to them.  At one point, I hear Laura screaming so loud I was sure some of the neighbors from out back would call the fuzz. 
     The kids went swimming earlier and then to Nana's for some spaghetti before embarking on the wrestling excitement.  It was an eventful swimming day because Jackie has joined a swim team so Laura and Emily were polishing him up on his strokes.  He was so nervous and excited at the same time.  Also, Laura was coaching Catherine on how to use the blocks because she is also on the swim team this year.  Cat, as always, likes to inch her way into things but she did great with just a little prodding.  I think it will be a great swim season. 

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