Tuesday, June 24, 2014

600 Posts..

We have reached 600 posts on the old blog...actually, a couple more but I haven't had time to do a special 600 post blog.  Well, here we are.  All these years after first starting and the blog is still somewhat active.  The kids have all been growing like the weeds in my front yard and as much as I've tried, they both continue to grow .  Not our little babies anymore for sure.
     Jimmy is now 13 years old.  He's wayyy taller than mommy and he's closing in on me.  He's got that funny in between voice sometime, you know, the Peter Brady thing with a little crackling.  He's still a very good kid and is spoiled rotten by his aunt Jo and mommy.  Baseball is still his thing and he plays year round.  The good thing is, he doesn't ever seem to mind going to practices or games.  You would think someone else would mind it seeing as how its at all ungodly times and locations.  wine, wine, wine I say.  Its unreal going to see him play now though.   Its such an anticipation to have him come up to the plate.  Its like I have this inner cheer going on and every once in a great while, I let out a holler when he blasts a hit or makes a great catch, though usually I try to keep it in control.  One day about two months ago I was pulling up to the game a little late and he was up at bat.  He took this pitch and absolutely blasted it over the right fielders head sooooo far away.  I think I was talking to Lyn and thankfully the window was down.  If I wasn't in the car it might, might have been a bit obnoxious...but whatever (as the kids say)
     I was just over his school last week and I saw on the wall that he's on the Honor Roll.   Good boy Jimmy!!  I don't think me and mommy believed him when he told us that news so it was good to see in front of us.  We got the official word on it later and congratulated him.  Lately, he's been so good on playing with Jack.  Jack can be kind of tough because he is 6 years younger, but Jimmy is really making an effort.  Even if it is just throwing him off the couch in a WWE moment, Jack appreciates it.  Yesterday, I came into the living room to see Jimmy letting Jack beat him in a jackknife hold for a three count.  if you understand what that means you really need to get a life.
     Laura is now 11 years old.  competition burns in this girl.  She's such a fun kid and loves to play her trombone.  She's a swimmer still and loves it.  Her grades are excellent and she's the type that will come home and do her homework all on her own.  School hasn't even gotten out yet and she has completed her summer reading.  When the coach puts her time in practice for swimming she requests to practice with the older group so that she can beat some of them.  She's fierce I tell ya.  She's a very nice girl too.  She really is nice to all and especially Daddy.  She makes me my Shakeology every morning and has it ready for me when I get out of bed.  She is still best buds with her fellow hippy Ava.  Those two together....eee gads, the silliness.  All in good fun.  She is intent on getting Daddy in shape and has made a list ( a list, I wonder where she gets that from)of all the things she wants me to do, pushups, situps, running etc.....she's a boss I tell ya.....
     My little angel Catherine is now 9 years old.  Shes the sweetest little thing in the world.  Sometimes I think she is just playing me when she tells me she loves me and comes up and gives me a kiss for no apparent reason...but its all real, she's the sweetest little thing.  Both girls know how to play Daddy though i'm sure, but Daddy loves them and both boys know how to play me too.....they know a sucker when they see one.  The boys, especially Jimmy own mommy and can get what they want from her.  But back to Catherine, she loves her gymnastics and flies all over the house doing multiple moves, flips and moves on the balance beam.  They still use the balance beam that uncle Patrick made for her a while ago.  Its not an uncommon sight to come into our living room and see a blue gymnastics pad and a balance beam being used.  We wouldn't have it any other way.  It all goes together with the home plate, pitchers mound and bases that are worn out on our front lawn.  As much as we've tried to fill in with grass these areas, they still get worn out from use.  I know we should care, we kinda do, but its more fun to see kids flying around the yard playing wiffle ball, football or just playing catch.  I know they'll be plenty of time after they leave for college to have a nice lawn, right now I don't want to rush that....so we'll deal....now where were we........Oh yeah, Jackie.....
     Oh my Jackie!!  Well, what can we say about Jackie....he's a non stop lightning bolt of action.  We were all out at the tennis court the other day and Laura was playing against Jimmy and it was Catherine and Jack against me.  He yelled out to me..."okay Old Man, lets see what you got now!!!"...what a nut.  It goes on and on.  He just finished his second year of coach pitch baseball.  He gets so psyched up for it, he's ready hours and hours early, he'll call me while i'm at work telling me he's ready...of course he is. 
     His school year just ended and he's going to be in the big second grade next year.  He told me he heard about his new teacher and he's really big on math.  I don't know if that's good or bad.  He's actually pretty smart but its a matter of getting time to do the homework...he's a busy guy ya know.
      Anyway, 600 blogs seems like a lot of posts but it also seems like it has all just flown by.  I'm glad I started this thing and have enjoyed looking back on it, which I do as much as I can.  I think in the last year or so its been tougher and tougher to find the time to write but I do so because I know that i'll appreciate it when i'm in my 60's and 70's.  I already enjoy it in my 30's.......Oh, okay, 40's!!!!!

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