Friday, January 11, 2013

The teeth are flying out of here

Big, Big, Big day in the family. Today, Jackie lost his first tooth. That tooth has been loose for about two weeks and he was absolutely obsessed with it. He would tell anyone that would listen. He even tried to limit his meals to snacks because he was absolutely terrified that it would fall out while he was eating and then he would swallow it....Oh the drama....Well he again said he shouldnt eat dinner, maybe he was right...but then the drama ended......Today at around 5:30pm while eating dinner the tooth finally came out. Aunt Jo was here to join in on the festivities and the historic moment. What a joy! He is so excited about it and can think of nothing else. I'm sitting in the kitchen listening to him and Catherine talk about it. Jack tells Catherine that he is trying to go to sleep but his eyes keep staying open because he knows the tooth fairy is coming. Catherine tells him that she's lost 17 teeth already so she knows what she's talking about. Jack then asks her if the tooth fairy ever goes to see Santa Claus if his teeth falls out. Catherine then tells Jack that the tooth fairy lives near Santa Claus so its easier for him to go to see him. He was so excited he called umple Eddie and nana earlier to tell them all about it. I thought he was talking to nana until i realized he was having one hell of a conversation with her voice mail.

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