Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fenway Park is great any time of the year

       My friend Mike invited Jimmy and I to Fenway park on this cold January day for the Annual Boston College Baseball dinner as a winter kickoff to their season. I had been talking to him last month about Jimmy having some health problems that may or may not affect his baseball game. Mike's son Brian and his other son Joe actually played for the BC Eagles. This was an awesome night with the new manager of the Boston Red Sox, John Farrell, being the guest speaker. Brian had arranged so that Jimmy might possibly get a chance to go meet Farrell. Jimmy saw him come in and at one point we headed down to wait for him to stop talking to some people. I didnt know what to expect and wasnt really sure if we'd have a chance to get a picture with him. Boy was i surprised when he actually approached us and started chatting up Jimmy. What a great guy. 


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