Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Jack's first Bruins game

     We got there early.  To make amends with fans they gave free concessions during the game.  My stomach still hurts from eating all the garbage.  For him, didnt matter so much.  He loves the escalator and being taller than daddy.

     I dont know who this lady was who sat right next to Jackie when i stood up to take his picture.  He didnt seem to mind.  I think he was going to ask her to hold his drink.
What a great game to make your first time to see the Boston Bruins.  We got the tickets from Umple Eddie and Jackie was up to go.  We took the train into North Station and arrived in plenty of wouldnt think so because Jackie wanted us to leave two hours before it left.  He kept telling me we were going to be late, lets go daddy, daddy we are going to miss the Boston Bruins game.  So, I finally gave in and we went real, real early.  But we got some Dunkin Donuts food and coffee and before you knew it the train was there. 
When we got to the North Station we did the customary(for Jimmy and I)  trip to MacDonalds for some Chicken Nuggets and sat with the common folk out in the station.  When we finally got to go in he was soooo excited.  There was hardly anyone in there so we just sat there and Jackie just took it all in. 
The game itself was more defensive with a great fight in the first period.  The third period was winding down and Jackie was saying that the bruins were going to lose.  Then all of a sudden, a tie scoring goal.  The whole place erupted...He had no idea what hit him.  He was screaming, jumping and just loving all of it.  The game went into overtime as we made our way to the platform for the train.  We held out as long as we could but that train wouldnt wait for us. 
On the train ride home he just wouldnt stop talking.  He was so excited and repeated the story of the last goal out load over and over again on the train.  He was so excited while making the phone call to Aunt Jo that the whole train heard him.  Thankfully, they all thought it was cute, as it was.   

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