Sunday, September 23, 2012

Jack's first trip to Fenway

     It was finally time for Jackie to experience his first trip to Fenway park with Daddy.  We started the day by going to the Owl for breakfast and he had already been up for a while and eaten so he only had some toast.  But its tradition so we had to go there.
     He had the whole day planned in his mind so we had to go to the trolley train to ride into Fenway.  Of course the train wasnt ready for us so Jack spent time asking me when the train will get there....over and over.
     The tickets were also pretty good too.    I had gone onto Stub Hub to get them a couple of days ago.  It was great that the team is doing bad because the tickets were practically going for nothing.
     He wanted popcorn but not ice cream.  Well, he wanted ice cream but not soft serve. 
     During the game we heard the announcement that kids can run the bases after the game so you know what we had to do.  Its the first time in my life I was able to get onto Fenway Park so I made sure to bend over and scoop a whole pocket full of the infield dirt.  They wouldnt let me run the bases with him ( i really didnt ask but i would have gone if they let me).  So he started at first base, there were so many people on the warning track that I didnt get to see him running the bases except when he crossed home.  I asked him if he wanted to run again mostly for my purposes but of course he wanted to.  An employee stepped in front of me when we tried to go in again but I cant even tell you what I said but I wasnt going to be denied.  Needless to say, he ran through the bases again.  This time I got a picture of him crossing home plate.

After the game, which the Sox won 2-1, we jumped on the green line and headed off to the common.  We got us some MacDonald's food and ate it at the foot of the state capital, just feet away from the finest bums the city knows. 

  Jackie thought he was funny by splashing me with the waters at the foot of the statue of the boobied women.  Yes, thats no the official name of it but thats what it is.  Maybe it has some other significance, but wha the hell, i'm immature.
Jackie really had a good time on the subway.  He really didnt want to sit down because he liked to bounce around.
This guy here has been trying to save me since I was a real young kid. 
     Can you believe that they used to drive relief pitchers from the bullpen to the mound.  I laughed when I saw it because I had totally forgot about it.  What a great memory to see.

     We moved our seats down right behind the plate area in around the sixth inning.  I dont think Jackie really cared because the original seats were pretty good.  I just wanted to see if we could get a ball.....which we didnt.  I ended up buying him one after the game which he enjoyed just as much.

     I loved to see him smile the whole day.  He really had a great time and repeated it several times on his phone calls to Aunt Jo, Doe and Nana after the game.
     Here is Jackie crossing home plate.  What a treasure!!!


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