Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Have fun at skool kids...another year

 Have a good day at school girls!!..Daddy loves you.
Yes, i know the correct spelling.....but another year has come and the endless summer has come to an end.  We had fun!!  It was so cute the last couple of days anticipating the first day of school.  Catherine, who we expected to be weepy, was a star.  She was excited but not too scared.  She cant wait.  Laura, on the other hand, was up really late last night.  When it came time to put Clover in for the night he had snuck out into the main rooms and we heard Laura having a dog conversation with Clover.  She came into our bedroom shortly after and I ended up lying on her bed until we both fell asleep.  This morning Jimmy even came into my room early just to talk.  Mostly to let me know he was awake and ready to go. 

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