Sunday, September 09, 2012

Catherine's First trip to Fenway....on the monster

      We started at the Owl and ended in the common.  It was Catherine's turn with daddy and she chose to go to Fenway park.  Well the sox haven't been doing all that well lately so we were able to jump on Stub hub and get some cool tickets for a very good price.   
     She wanted to go out to breakfast first at the Owl and I was happy to oblige because i was hungry and needed some paMcakes.  Cat wanted some eggs and bacon, of course bacon.  I think we are going to have our own pig so we can shave off some bacon and freeze it because these kids love bacon.  Laura has even changed her name to Bacon. 
     Getting back to the Red Sox, Catherine wanted us to take the trolley train so off we went to the green line and crowded trains for us.  We got there just in time for the game to start.  The seats were good, behind home plate in the grandstand.  Catherine told me several times that she prefers this view of the Red Sox then watching it on TV because its better than TV.  She had her Ellsbury t-shirt on and it must have inspired him because on his first at bat he hit his third home run of the year.
     As with anything we do with the kids, its all about the food.  Catherine was telling me for two days about how she wanted to get some soft serve (ice cream).  When we walked she couldnt wait to tell me that she wanted some cotton of course.    She was so cute talking about everything she was seeing.  At one point i had her pose for a picture at the entry door at the park.  A member of the Sox staff must have taken notice of her cuteness because he came over to her and asked her if this was her first game at Fenway and she told him yes.  He said that he wanted to celebrate that with a ticket upgrade.  When I showed him what tickets we had he told me that our tickets were better than the upgrade.  I was quite pleased with Stub Hub at that point.  We got my peanuts, her cotton candy and in we went.
     As the game went by she was looking at the program she bought outside and kept asking me if it were the sixth inning yet.  I had told her that we would get her soft serve during the middle of the sixth and she was looking forward to that.  So the game went on and we had about three waves that we got to stand up for (kids love the wave). Here we go red sox here we go, clap clap...many times.  Ellsbury hits a home run and Catherine jumped a mile when the crowd went wild.  She told me they scared her....but not that much because she recovered quickly and gave me a hiiiiiiiii five.
    The sixth inning came and it was soft serve time.  we decided to take a little bit of a walk while we ate the soft serve.  We ended up up at the entrance to the monster seats.  The man checking tickets at that area asked me if i had tickets and i told him that i didnt and that I just wanted to have a look from this area.  He also asked Catherine if this was her first game and she said her cute voice.  Well, who could resist because he told us to put our hands out and he stamped our hands with a Wally stamp and told us to go in.  Onto the monster seats we went and a lady saw us and told us she had an empty seat next to her and down we went into the seat with Cat on my lap. 
    After two innings in the monster seats the sun was mighty hot and Cat wanted to go back into our original seats in the shade.  They ended losing but that really didnt matter.  Off we went out of the stadium and Cat wanted a she wants to say that she caught a ball....we actualy bought an autographed ball at the souvenier shop. 
          Onto the green line we went.  It was just way too tempting on this beautiful day to pass by Park Street in this crowded, smelly subway train so we stopped and hung out in the common with some Burger King food.  She was so cute all day and kept telling me what a wonderful time she was having.  She wanted to call everyone once we got inside the car and call she did. 

     Okay, here is my hack at vanity.  I"ve been working out like crazy the past month or so and have even hired a personal trainer...well, now i'm on my own and i continued to hit the gym.  Not until I saw this picture did i realize how much the belly has gone.  i'm liking it!!

     It was a long day but a very special one for the both of us.  She's a precious little girl who appreciates everything.  I just enjoyed the heck out of today.

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