Up to the freezing cold slopes in Vermont we all go. On Friday Ump's car was set with boxes and bags and little tiny feet. Nana took Jimmy and Jake and Ump took the rest. After a quick stop at the coffee shop (which kills the ump) we all headed out. Almost three hours later we ended up in the coldest spot south of Canada. Jimmy, Laura and Catherine all took lessons with the cousins and the two oldest are skiing like pros. On the first day after his lessons James and I went on a couple of runs and I was very impressed with how he got around. Of course when he came into an area where he was in over his head he would flail his arms over his head and just fly on by. In Contrast, I would just smash, bang and boom myself onto the ground and fly into snowbanks becoming one with them.
For the second year in a row I mistook the quad lift for the smaller hill chair lift and for the second year in a row I ended up going to the top of the mountain all alone for my first run. I realized this, of course, when i was about halfway up. Projecting myself with way too much confidence, I dusted myself up and pronouced myself ready to ski. Well, as mentioned above I took off for the slopes once more with my James. About a quarter of the way down all confidence I had gained were shashed as fast as you can fall face first into a snow pile. This one hurt, I mean really really hurt. After grunting and groaning I picked myself to the side and felt this liquid coming down my face. In the meantime I am hearing what I think is the sound of an eight year old laughing hysterically. Well, even though I was tasting blood, the liquid was just melting snow ( to my astonishment) and the eight year old was exactly who you would think it was. I went up a couple of more times but I had to shut it down. Someone always feels like he has something to prove.
For Catherine, this was her first time up on ski's. She was adorable with her miniature skisJack was just content being in the sled being pushed down the small hills. He was quite the character all weekend. We were all so very impressed with the impressed with the improvements that Laura and Jimmy have made on the ski trail over the last year. I remember not so long ago carrying Jimmy down the bunny hill when he just wouldnt go on his ski's. Laura, as always, was a quick study and did whatever she set her mind to.
Another thing, I did homework with Jim Jim tonight and shocked is the word about how well he does with division and multiplication. He picked that up in no time at all. It really only seems like a couple of weeks ago he just couldnt understand the concept of what division is...it really was a couple of weeks ago and now he is blasting through it. I did Laura's spelling words with her too tonight and she seems to be doing okay too. The both of them seem to get distracted easily but I can relate to that.
When we returned home after the long weekend the girls bedroom was sparkly new with green paint. Laura had picked out the color and the paint fairy (Aunt Jo) had once again returned to her painting habits and brushed out the worn out color on the walls. Well, the colors werent exactly worn out, they were just the victim of a graffiti artist named Jack. I was worried about how the color would look but is was all for naught as it looked great.
When it was time for the kids to go to sleep we had quite a fight on our hands as they all have napped at one time or another today. They are up talking....but its not bad because they are talking and not yelling at each other...........yet.
For the second year in a row I mistook the quad lift for the smaller hill chair lift and for the second year in a row I ended up going to the top of the mountain all alone for my first run. I realized this, of course, when i was about halfway up. Projecting myself with way too much confidence, I dusted myself up and pronouced myself ready to ski. Well, as mentioned above I took off for the slopes once more with my James. About a quarter of the way down all confidence I had gained were shashed as fast as you can fall face first into a snow pile. This one hurt, I mean really really hurt. After grunting and groaning I picked myself to the side and felt this liquid coming down my face. In the meantime I am hearing what I think is the sound of an eight year old laughing hysterically. Well, even though I was tasting blood, the liquid was just melting snow ( to my astonishment) and the eight year old was exactly who you would think it was. I went up a couple of more times but I had to shut it down. Someone always feels like he has something to prove.
For Catherine, this was her first time up on ski's. She was adorable with her miniature skisJack was just content being in the sled being pushed down the small hills. He was quite the character all weekend. We were all so very impressed with the impressed with the improvements that Laura and Jimmy have made on the ski trail over the last year. I remember not so long ago carrying Jimmy down the bunny hill when he just wouldnt go on his ski's. Laura, as always, was a quick study and did whatever she set her mind to.
Another thing, I did homework with Jim Jim tonight and shocked is the word about how well he does with division and multiplication. He picked that up in no time at all. It really only seems like a couple of weeks ago he just couldnt understand the concept of what division is...it really was a couple of weeks ago and now he is blasting through it. I did Laura's spelling words with her too tonight and she seems to be doing okay too. The both of them seem to get distracted easily but I can relate to that.
When we returned home after the long weekend the girls bedroom was sparkly new with green paint. Laura had picked out the color and the paint fairy (Aunt Jo) had once again returned to her painting habits and brushed out the worn out color on the walls. Well, the colors werent exactly worn out, they were just the victim of a graffiti artist named Jack. I was worried about how the color would look but is was all for naught as it looked great.
When it was time for the kids to go to sleep we had quite a fight on our hands as they all have napped at one time or another today. They are up talking....but its not bad because they are talking and not yelling at each other...........yet.
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