Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another New boy

2010 here we come. Time just flies by in these parts when you are involved with four little buggahs and all their activities. We are still having fun and nothing much changes except there are no more messy diapers to change. Sometimes thats unfortunate because it was pretty cool to always have a baby around the house. In the meantime, we'll just make do with what we have. For the time being I'll just have to ramble on about the happenings around the old household.

First, Christmas came and went so quickly. It was awesome to have all four of them so eagerly anticipating the arrival of Santa Claus. The kids got pretty much what they wanted. Thankfully, there were no complaints and no one felt slighted. Thats always a concern. Believe it or not, we are still putting together toys in the house. Last night I put together a race track for Jack to run his little cars around. He is starting to talk in full sentences fluidly and its a riot to hear him say his little sayings. He told me the other day not to tell him that he's driving me crazy. He picks up so much so we have to be careful what we say around him because he questions everything. He hasnt broken anything recently...if he did I completely forgot about it. We were going to buy a new TV after Christmas, one of those new LED ones....that is until jack took a pool ball and bounced it off the screen of our existing old TV. That made us think that we might just wait another year for the high end Television. He came into the bed last night and kicked us all night long......allllll night long. He was sick earlier in the week so we're taking it easy on him. We were looking on the computer last night and he saw a picture of Kevin Youkilis and he told me that he saw him at the coffee shop last week. There is a guy at the place that somewhat looked like him. He loves going to the coffee shop still because of his girlfriend that owns the place. I love to listen to him talk about his girlfriend Tricia.

Catherine has been loving her pre-school. Every week she has to come out with a new show and tell that starts with the letter of the week. Last week she took a picture of Kara for K and this week it was the letter L and she brought a picture of Laura. Jim Jim was made because it wasnt fair that she had no pictures of him. She is such a happy go lucky kid, always smiling and inquisitive, our best sleeper. We went to the riverwalk today with the two youngest and walked a couple of miles in the freezing cold. I know its hard to believe but we ended up going to the train and Coffee shop the other day too.

Dear old Laura was sick earlier this week and missed a day of school. Her and Catherine still enjoy the irish step dancing classes. We see them dancing all over the house. Today, we went to the car wash and unfortunately there was no octopus to clean the car so we couldnt scare them. what parents~~

My little Jimmy boy hasnt left baseball behind just because its the winter. On Friday nights he has baseball lessons in a cold old mill building. He just doesnt seem to mind. Its plant, stride, pivot and swing over and over again. I have to admit, cant really wait till baseball season begins. This year we'll have Catherine on one field playing t-ball, Laura playing softball and then Jimmy playing minor league ball. Jimmy has been playing basketball on Saturdays now too. For once he isnt the only one taking shots at the basket. There is another kid that takes more shots then he does and that takes some effort. Last week he nailed two shots from way downtown and he knew it. fun stuff but of course I didnt have the camera with me. Speaking of the camera, I took 10,000 pictures in 14 months. That takes some effort.

Strawberrty Shortcake visited us from Florida in the last week. Unfortunately, it was because she had a funeral. We were still very happy to see her. I wonder if the kids still think she's Strawberry Shortcake. Probably not, but I think Jimmy has a crush on her. He always talks about her. I can see why.......but its blood ya know.

In the back yard we have created a nice little sledding track for the kids to go flying down. Umple Eddie came over one night and made the track for them to use. The snow isnt so easy to glide down before its packed down and sure enough, there was umple packing down the powder for the benefit of the kiddies. I actually went down on it with them last night and was my little bottom very sore. I love how these kids arent wimps in the cold. If you are going to live in this area of the country, you really have to learn to like doing things in the snow. Otherwise, there is only video games and we are not 24/7 video people.....though Jimmy keeps telling me that he wants me to learn how to play x-box with him. I just was never a video game person but I just might take it up. I'd prefer to throw footballs and baseballs with the kids though.

I almost missed it but this is post 301. Thats incredible and is still very fun to do, so very easy also and I'm very glad I decided to do this.

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