My little Catherine has really started to blossom into her own fun personality. Sunday, I think, she was playing on the computer for quite some time. Most of the time it was just looking at a game playing itself on the Disney Channel, but she was so enthralled in watching we almost forgot she was downstairs for quite some time. Though we are not big supporters of computer use by the kids, it was still real cute watching her doing grown-up stuff. At one point she just came upstairs smiling, mostly because she was able to do some stuff on her own without any help.
Last night in the dead of the night I was awakened by some little creature in the bedroom. Its that sixth sense parents get when we know one of the little buggers is up and around. Well, the house was unusually dark and all that could be made out was a shadow of one of the kids. I knew it wasn't Jimmy because they were too short. I made my way around the bed to where the little shadow was and I felt my way down to feel the little human. Still half asleep myself I found myself picking up the little person. I couldn't believe that I still didn't know who it was. I asked but got no response. All I knew was that there was a kid with an American Girl doll in their hands so the long hair could very well have been the dolls hair. Just because it was a doll didn't rule Jack out. So I was going to just go into Jacks bed and put the little one there until I thought about walking all the way to the bathroom. When I flipped the switch I found it to be Catherine.....She was half asleep with her customary sleeping smile.
I brought her into her bed as she hugged onto me never losing her cute little smirk. She wasn't awake but not quite asleep. She went into bed without protest and gave me a kiss goodnight. She was just walking into the bedroom for no apparent reason. It was very cute.
James has taken to going over Charlies house quite a bit lately and playing a bunch of games, mostly hockey and basketball. Laura joins him sometimes to play with Lizzy. They come over here also. They are good kids to be friends with.
Plans were made tonight for Catherine's trip to the American Girl doll cafe for her birthday. We are not going to New York city until she turns 6 so this will be a more local trip to a new store in Natick. She was so excited. I asked her who she wanted to go and she wants Emily, Laura and Erin to come with her. She has the smile when she's talking about it so you know its going to be an awesome time. Laura started telling her about how much fun she'll have when we go to New York City. She was telling her about the people skating at Rockerfeller Plaza and the taxicabs. She was remembering things that I even forgot about.
Little Jack has been attacking the poor dog. He is all over Frankie, all the time. The girls want to get a puppy. Oh boy, don't know about this one. I'm thinking this one wont be realistic. But I'm a pushover. Jackie took a header off the couch today too while he was doing some of his jungle gymnastics. At one point he took a dive into me head first...boing. I really remember my childhood craziness when he does this stuff....He really does crack you up just watching him. He is learning so much just looking at the other kids, watching what they do. Its going to be fun once the weather turns and Jack and I get to start his baseball career.
The "real" baseball season starts next week when practices start for Laura and Jimmy's team. I"m managing Jimmy's team and am hoping to help coach Laura's team. she's got a pretty good arm. This is the exciting time of year....stay tuned.
This weekend (Saturday) we did the cleanup that has been desperately needed since the old oak tree came crashing down on us in December. Friday, Eddie had come over for pizza so Lyn took the opportunity to schedule his attendance for Saturday. Well, we had nowhere to put Stickland so burn burn burn it went. We had quite the bonfire going on for most of the day. I'm thinking Eddie is a pyro. He kept wanting to throw more gas on the fire. It makes me remember one time when we were around 18 and staying at the Salisbury state park. We tented out and decided to cook our own food on the provided grill. Ump threw a little bit of gas on the fire, including on the food. Needless to say, we ended up going to MacDonald's for dinner. If I remember correctly, we survived on liquid nourishment most of the time anyhow, waking up with the tent on top of us in the morning......those were the days.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Back in the saddle again
Well, we returned back home in one piece to our lovely family life. The little buggahs were no worse as they were treated like kings and queens as nana, doe and auntie Joe took great care of them in our absence. They seemed to have had an excellent adventure. Saturday night I called at around 8:30 at night and Laura had come running to the phone because she said that I had told her I would call her Saturday. Whew, I dont really think I said that but Thank buddah I did call, I hate to disappoint the little buggahs with things like that. I got to talk to her for a bit and she seemed very happy.
Sunday night we were right back to normal and realized the party weekend was over as soon as the relatives left and we became parents again. Aunt Jo seemed a little beat by the time she left...might have been the lack of sleep. We just knew that Jackie doesnt sleep at night and I'm sure that was in the back of her head all night.
Jack has been throwing new words out every single day. He woke auntie Joe up on Sunday morning singing his version of the numa numa song to her. He really loves to listen to that little chubby guy from YouTube, singing and dancing along with him. After the first version of the song, there are other versions and one of them is a guy dressed like Osama singing numa numa. Jack calls him 'that guy' and asks to listen to him next. Cracks me up.
Catherine is on a kick about learning how to write letters. She is dying to write her name all at once and is frustrated that her name is so long. When I ask her how long her name is, she puts her hands way out and then I ask her how long everyone else's name is she puts her fingers together and says 'this short'. It softens the blow a bit. Tonight she wrote a bunch of letters on the writing paper and loved doing it. She would keep running into Lyn and I showing us different letters she can write. She has some trouble recognizing the letter E and calls it A. She is so passionate about the things that she does.
Laura is impressing me so much with her reading skills. The longer words still get her but she is getting so much better sounding out words. She tells me she doesnt like the bus because the people on the bus are so loud and annoying. There is a boy named Harold on the bus who said rude things to her. I asked her what and she said that Harold told her that she doesnt pay attention during class....she was pissed. I had to have a talk with her about how to handle it. Its the first talk about telling Harold that she was going to tell her brother Jimmy about him bothering her because Harold likes to yell in her ear. I also told Jimmy to stick up for his sister. With Jimmy it is always so tough because he asked about all the alternatives that might happen...'what if 'this or that happens......I said just tell him to knock it off.
Jimmy has been doing spring training this past week with me. Out on the street throwing the ball around using the sewer cap as home plate, he has been throwing strikes to me and I must say, he's getting there. The same thing has been happening where he wants to throw like Red Sox pitchers. He told me yesterday that he was Josh Beckett. It is fun for him to do it that way. I think he'll be okay this year, the first year of kids pitching. This is the exciting part of the year when the weather gets good enough for us to go to the baseball field. I'll be managing his team again. My greatest hope is that he'll put the hockey thing off until the hockey season starts in September....he seems addicted though.
On another note, Umple Eddie gave us tickets to the Bruins game in a couple of weeks. He is excited and is fixated on me picking him up early from school on the day we go. Charlie's dad got Charlie out of school a couple of hours early last week when they went to the Bruins so Jimmy thinks that is the way to go.
Tonight before bed the kids wanted a story read to them because I always tell them that they can only get a book if they go to bed on time. Of course that never happens so we never have to worry. Well, tonight they did get there on time so we had to read a book on a bunch of farm animals starting a band to play at the County fair. It was funny because Jimmy sat in front and read the story before I was reading it and he kind of threw me off...keep forgetting the kid can read.
Sunday night we were right back to normal and realized the party weekend was over as soon as the relatives left and we became parents again. Aunt Jo seemed a little beat by the time she left...might have been the lack of sleep. We just knew that Jackie doesnt sleep at night and I'm sure that was in the back of her head all night.
Jack has been throwing new words out every single day. He woke auntie Joe up on Sunday morning singing his version of the numa numa song to her. He really loves to listen to that little chubby guy from YouTube, singing and dancing along with him. After the first version of the song, there are other versions and one of them is a guy dressed like Osama singing numa numa. Jack calls him 'that guy' and asks to listen to him next. Cracks me up.
Catherine is on a kick about learning how to write letters. She is dying to write her name all at once and is frustrated that her name is so long. When I ask her how long her name is, she puts her hands way out and then I ask her how long everyone else's name is she puts her fingers together and says 'this short'. It softens the blow a bit. Tonight she wrote a bunch of letters on the writing paper and loved doing it. She would keep running into Lyn and I showing us different letters she can write. She has some trouble recognizing the letter E and calls it A. She is so passionate about the things that she does.
Laura is impressing me so much with her reading skills. The longer words still get her but she is getting so much better sounding out words. She tells me she doesnt like the bus because the people on the bus are so loud and annoying. There is a boy named Harold on the bus who said rude things to her. I asked her what and she said that Harold told her that she doesnt pay attention during class....she was pissed. I had to have a talk with her about how to handle it. Its the first talk about telling Harold that she was going to tell her brother Jimmy about him bothering her because Harold likes to yell in her ear. I also told Jimmy to stick up for his sister. With Jimmy it is always so tough because he asked about all the alternatives that might happen...'what if 'this or that happens......I said just tell him to knock it off.
Jimmy has been doing spring training this past week with me. Out on the street throwing the ball around using the sewer cap as home plate, he has been throwing strikes to me and I must say, he's getting there. The same thing has been happening where he wants to throw like Red Sox pitchers. He told me yesterday that he was Josh Beckett. It is fun for him to do it that way. I think he'll be okay this year, the first year of kids pitching. This is the exciting part of the year when the weather gets good enough for us to go to the baseball field. I'll be managing his team again. My greatest hope is that he'll put the hockey thing off until the hockey season starts in September....he seems addicted though.
On another note, Umple Eddie gave us tickets to the Bruins game in a couple of weeks. He is excited and is fixated on me picking him up early from school on the day we go. Charlie's dad got Charlie out of school a couple of hours early last week when they went to the Bruins so Jimmy thinks that is the way to go.
Tonight before bed the kids wanted a story read to them because I always tell them that they can only get a book if they go to bed on time. Of course that never happens so we never have to worry. Well, tonight they did get there on time so we had to read a book on a bunch of farm animals starting a band to play at the County fair. It was funny because Jimmy sat in front and read the story before I was reading it and he kind of threw me off...keep forgetting the kid can read.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
We got away
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wacky clothes week
To update Laura's wacky clothes week.....
Yesterday, on St. Patrick's day, she won first prize in her class for wearing the most green....did I write that already? Today, she wore her clothes inside out, including her sweater being on backwards. Before she headed off on the bus I stopped her to tell her that her hoodie was in the front. Of course she corrected me and let me know what it was all about....I thought she was having a Laura moment. On Thursday she's having a 'wear some of your parents clothes day' thing going on. She's wearing Lyn's heels....we'll see how that goes.
On St. Patty's day we got two dozen green carnations and handed them out. Bus driver Pat got one handed to her from Jack. Catherine was a bit miffed so we had to wait for Jimmy's bus driver Jack so that Catherine could give him one. After that we walked the neighborhood and gave some to the older neighbor ladies, except Mrs Ring who I think is secretly 30. The kids had fun especially when Angie gave the kids some chocolate chip cookies she had. Of course she gave them some chocolates all wrapped up. I put some in my pocket to hold for later. Well, you know what happens to chocolates when they are put in a pocket........especially in the same pocket as your cell phone. Eileen called me at one point, I went to get the phone and sure enough, the phone was covered in melted chocolate. She kept yelling in the phone like someone who is frustrated with cell phones. Chocolate had melted into the phone and she couldnt hear me......some maintenance was required and it works like....used. After this, we went to Shirley's house for the delivery of a full dozen of the carnations. Every year Grammy Franny had me deliver a dozen to Shirl and the tradition had to continue.....The kids loved running around her house and she loved having them over. Shirley is very irish and appreciated the irish garb the kids were wearing. Lyn explained to them about how Shirley was GF's best friend. That was all that needed to be said for them to like her. They liked her otherwise but they told her how their Grammy was so nice to them....she really was.
I like how this holiday is a big event around here. Its good to see the kids dressed up so goofy. There is the youtube video of 'seven old ladies' that we must have watched about 100 times along with numa numa. Even Jack got in on the action. Its a funny song but even funnier when the kids hear about huberta humphrey went in to get comfy, she tried to get up but she couldnt get her bum free and nobody knew she was there.
Yesterday, on St. Patrick's day, she won first prize in her class for wearing the most green....did I write that already? Today, she wore her clothes inside out, including her sweater being on backwards. Before she headed off on the bus I stopped her to tell her that her hoodie was in the front. Of course she corrected me and let me know what it was all about....I thought she was having a Laura moment. On Thursday she's having a 'wear some of your parents clothes day' thing going on. She's wearing Lyn's heels....we'll see how that goes.
On St. Patty's day we got two dozen green carnations and handed them out. Bus driver Pat got one handed to her from Jack. Catherine was a bit miffed so we had to wait for Jimmy's bus driver Jack so that Catherine could give him one. After that we walked the neighborhood and gave some to the older neighbor ladies, except Mrs Ring who I think is secretly 30. The kids had fun especially when Angie gave the kids some chocolate chip cookies she had. Of course she gave them some chocolates all wrapped up. I put some in my pocket to hold for later. Well, you know what happens to chocolates when they are put in a pocket........especially in the same pocket as your cell phone. Eileen called me at one point, I went to get the phone and sure enough, the phone was covered in melted chocolate. She kept yelling in the phone like someone who is frustrated with cell phones. Chocolate had melted into the phone and she couldnt hear me......some maintenance was required and it works like....used. After this, we went to Shirley's house for the delivery of a full dozen of the carnations. Every year Grammy Franny had me deliver a dozen to Shirl and the tradition had to continue.....The kids loved running around her house and she loved having them over. Shirley is very irish and appreciated the irish garb the kids were wearing. Lyn explained to them about how Shirley was GF's best friend. That was all that needed to be said for them to like her. They liked her otherwise but they told her how their Grammy was so nice to them....she really was.
I like how this holiday is a big event around here. Its good to see the kids dressed up so goofy. There is the youtube video of 'seven old ladies' that we must have watched about 100 times along with numa numa. Even Jack got in on the action. Its a funny song but even funnier when the kids hear about huberta humphrey went in to get comfy, she tried to get up but she couldnt get her bum free and nobody knew she was there.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Holidays
Monday, March 16, 2009
First Playdate
Catherine has been looking forward for so long to have a playdate with a friend. Well, today was her first ever playdate with a friend, Molly, from her pre-school. She was soooo excited before and after. That girl is so cute. Every night she does her "homework" where she looks at the sheet on the wall that has her name and number from 1 to 10 and she spells out her name and identifies the numbers. After Laura and Jim Jim do their homework Catherine, and of course Jack have to do their homework to. It really makes them both happy to be doing what the older kids do.
Baseball has started on the street already and yesterday all the little rascals were with me doing grounder and throwing the ball back. Jack is so funny getting into playing because he has so much fun. Laura is getting the step and throw thing going pretty well and Catherine just loves doing anything. She finds ways to make her own rules about playing baseball.
This weather is just hovering on too cold...for me anyway. The kids dont seem to mind. Tomorrow night is St Paddy's day. There is a babysitter!!! Hope that I can behave for one night. I'm thinking its not going to be a late night....but Big Bill is holding seats for us.
Baseball has started on the street already and yesterday all the little rascals were with me doing grounder and throwing the ball back. Jack is so funny getting into playing because he has so much fun. Laura is getting the step and throw thing going pretty well and Catherine just loves doing anything. She finds ways to make her own rules about playing baseball.
This weather is just hovering on too cold...for me anyway. The kids dont seem to mind. Tomorrow night is St Paddy's day. There is a babysitter!!! Hope that I can behave for one night. I'm thinking its not going to be a late night....but Big Bill is holding seats for us.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Celebrating St. Patrick

Mrs Ring and her sister and others were all hanging out on the street with us for quite some time. Jack would run out behind the houses and collect sticks and bring them back out to us.
Once we finally got back inside the house we ate fish sticks and everyone tried on the St Paddy's day garb.
Jack was so cute putting on hats and other green items.

Most Christlike !!!!!
Six points on 3-6 shooting and add a couple steals for his weekly Christian Basketball league. Skies opened, the earth shook and all those in the hills of Galilee came forward to watch the newest most christlike award winner. He was very proud. We were all very proud!!!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Joanne the Snowman!!

Finally, We got a snowman that is somewhat respectable. When I left the house this morning I was excited for the heavy snow we received overnight. We could make a snowman. My delight turned into tears when I learned that 3 of the four were sick and would not make the call. Jimmy stayed home but Laura made it to school. I ended up making the snowman myself after work...with the kids looking on in the windows of course. That there is a snowman that looks somewhat presentable gives us hope for the future. We know he'll be back again someday. It was Joanne's turn to be named for the snowman. One year we got neighbor Roger the snowman and Midge had gained naming rights for several little white men over the years. It was Joanne's turn. Joanne lives across the street and is somewhat of a celebrity around here.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
As hard as it may be to do, today I was completely speechless. James has been playing hockey all year and has improved immensely as the year went by. He just tries so hard when he plays and there is no one who outhustles him. Well tonight took the cake. In short order, his team won 9-3. He scored 7 goals. It was just amazing to watch it unfold. He's been practicing 'moves' to shake and fake one way and then go another. Well, today he made the goalie look sick a couple times and stuffed the puck home. One time he faked left and the goalie bought it so bad the guy wasnt five feet from him when he just slipped it in the net. I just wish the season wasnt ending so I could watch him do it some more. On Tuesday he will be trying out for the next level hockey team. He was somewhat nervous about the tryout but i'm thinking there might not be a need to worry.
This morning the family met up and went to church together because it was Grammy Franny's birthday. She would have been 84 today. The two youngest were a little under the weather this morning and didnt quite make it. After the mass we all ended up over NeeNee's house for a party to celebrate GF's bday.
Umple Eddie came back from Baltimore today and met us for dinner over Nana and Doe's house. The signature spaghetti and meatballs were cooking so we were happy to put a dent into the mass of food.
This morning the family met up and went to church together because it was Grammy Franny's birthday. She would have been 84 today. The two youngest were a little under the weather this morning and didnt quite make it. After the mass we all ended up over NeeNee's house for a party to celebrate GF's bday.
Umple Eddie came back from Baltimore today and met us for dinner over Nana and Doe's house. The signature spaghetti and meatballs were cooking so we were happy to put a dent into the mass of food.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Hoping for Spring to come
That poor snowman(thing) didnt last too long. someone came over and saw the black helmet in the middle of the driveway and asked about its origin. Upon looking at the poor snow wedge, I saw that it had melted away, possibly to come back again some day.....or not.
Today was a pretty nice day, hopefully indicating spring weather to come along soon. Jack and Catherine are a little under the weather the last couple of days.
He's been talking alot more lately and coming up with new words everyday. He hasnt broken anything the last couple of days so we cant rest waiting for the next crash. Not really that bad....As i was sleeping the last couple of weeks during odd hours I would hear a crash that would jar me out of sleep....I would wait and hope to hear voices or any signs of life. It always came thankfully and right back to sleep I would go.
Yesterday morning as I was leaving work I recieved a message from Laura's kindergarten teacher telling me she was in a pickle and needed my immediate help. I got to the class and helped with the reading program. It was fun. From student to student I got to help them read using the finger reading method. Laura was so happy and cute and I must say, she was a good reader too.
Jimmy had another basketball game today and yet again, no most christlike award. We are trying though.
Today was a pretty nice day, hopefully indicating spring weather to come along soon. Jack and Catherine are a little under the weather the last couple of days.
He's been talking alot more lately and coming up with new words everyday. He hasnt broken anything the last couple of days so we cant rest waiting for the next crash. Not really that bad....As i was sleeping the last couple of weeks during odd hours I would hear a crash that would jar me out of sleep....I would wait and hope to hear voices or any signs of life. It always came thankfully and right back to sleep I would go.
Yesterday morning as I was leaving work I recieved a message from Laura's kindergarten teacher telling me she was in a pickle and needed my immediate help. I got to the class and helped with the reading program. It was fun. From student to student I got to help them read using the finger reading method. Laura was so happy and cute and I must say, she was a good reader too.
Jimmy had another basketball game today and yet again, no most christlike award. We are trying though.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Snow no no worst ever

Every time we have tried to make a snowman this year we just couldnt find snow that would stick. This afternoon we saw some sun in the front yard but not enough to make some really good snow for man purposes. This time, we had just enough to mix with the soft powder to make our....umm....masterpiece.

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