The problem about growing up in New England AND growing up a Red Sox fan, well, there are lots..but the major point is that when things (like the weather) are going well, you keep reading to find out when the blizzard is coming.
I dont want to get too excited about spring coming but the good news is that today was the first sign of the (Sp)Rings. We had only seen them to wave since the winter has begun. One of the benefits of this neighborhood is to see them outside enjoying themselves with their grandkids. We spend alot of time either on the streets or in the yards riding bikes or gabbing up a storm with them and just having fun with the kids.
Today was such a beautiful day. After I got home from work it seemed like such a shame to go to sleep so we went out and did some errands and had breakfast with the two youngest. After breakfast we went over to the cheap card and gift store where Catherine finally got her journal and Jack got a pen. My mother always used to tell me that if you do for one you have to do for all. So when Laura got home from school we knew it was a matter of time before she would be out of sorts because Catherine got special treatment. Laura was a little off when she got home from school. Lyn and I took her to the bedroom to try and find out what was wrong but it ended up being a girlie moment, she said she was angry because there was nothing on TV.
Being the textbook parent I figured I would buy my way out of her bad mood so I took her and Catherine to WalMart and bought them a High School musical DVD. Again, it was no use going there with only one because you cant go without the other. After we got in the car Laura was right back to being Laura. She was gabbing up a storm. She is so funny just to have a conversation with. During the ride she was telling me about one of her friends from school who doesnt talk that much. Laura apparently goes over to her at recess while she is sitting alone on the ground and joins her. The recess monitor tells them to get up and move around so they dont freeze to the ground. Laura somehow processed in her mind and thought it was very funny.
Frankie still hasnt gotten over the whole tree through the roof thing. He never used to bark when people would come to the door. Only since the missile launch.
The whole family went over Nana's house without me tonight. I was supposed to be sleeping. It could really just be too quiet to sleep.
Lyn and I have plotted the course for an anniversary weekend. The checklists have started. Number one on the list is to make sure to read the menu before ordering. Last year, we drank two bottles of $400 wine(I say "we" to be kind to the bride). It was one of those really needed weekends where it just didnt matter anyway.
I really liked the place we are staying, same as last year. The only thing, the toilet bowl.......the bathroom is so very spacious but the toilet bowl, the toilet bowl, seems to be in the middle of the room. I prefer to have my toilet bowls up against a wall or tucked in a corner, not really plopped in the middle of the room with little room for dividers. You feel like you are out there for the whole world to see.